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What's in a name?

What's in a name?

The short answer is that Tallulah was a nickname (after actress Tallulah Bankhead) and Freelove, the name of Trudy White's great, great, great First Nation grandmother.  As she was working to develop this business she was challenged to give Tallulah a "personality".  The result was a blending of the many strong and interesting women in her life.  We think there is a little Tallulah in everyone!  So who is she?

She is a woman of indeterminate age. Age and numbers mean little to her.

She is a lover of art and architecture, music and film and because she is a voracious reader, she is well versed in all.

She values quality over quantity.

She has a keen interest in commerce and politics and has strong opinions on both.  In fact, she has strong opinions on just about everything.

She has a quick wit and a great sense of humour. She laughs easily and often. She loves to make other people laugh. Everyone wants her at their party.

She drives a vintage Indian motorcycle.  Her pet parrot wears an eye patch and rides in the sidecar. 

She doesn't like to be inhibited by plans.

She is kind and generous with her time and talent.

She has impeccable manners, but she doesn’t always use them.

She is quirky and whimsical, a bit unconventional, a tad irreverent and a titch eccentric. 

She puts people at ease, instantly. People tell her things.

She is a dog lover.

Despite a failed marriage, she still believes in love.

She considers a daily bubble bath a necessity, not an indulgence.

She doesn’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions.

She dreamt about being a diplomat and thought she would make a very good one because she is an excellent listener, can hold her liquor and can keep a secret.

Her style is her own. She wears what makes her happy, and because she is happy, she always looks great.

She is a strong believer in accessories!

She confesses to a secret love of luxury and indulges in a bottle of Veuve Clicquot as often as it seems prudent, but she likes “swill” too.

She dreams about spending a weekend at the George V in Paris with her French lover, but she will make do with the Comfort Inn, in a pinch. The French lover is non-negotiable.

She is a student of people and culture and loves to travel - and does so often.

She is a life-long learner. 

She can pack for a four-week holiday in a carry on bag.

She makes her bed every day.

She hates conflict. 

She is fiercely independent but enjoys a large and diverse circle of friends and loves to entertain. She is a great cook and likes to surprise her guests with exotic fare. 

She is as comfortable in a big city as she is on the farm, because she sees the beauty and energy in both.

She is what is commonly called a free spirit. Both men and women describe her as witty and charming. She reminds me of a mix between Diane Keaton, Auntie Mame and Emmylou Harris.