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I'm your fan posted Oct 16,2023

I’m a lucky girl. Last year my great friend Evie invited me to join her on a trip to Greece culminating on the Greek island of Hydra where Leonard Cohen spent a lot of time in the 60s. A pilgrimage for us. You can’t live in Montreal and not be touched by Cohen.
I lived close to him at one time, on the Plateau Montreal. I used to think one more glass of wine might just give me the courage to knock on his door. I never did. A mutual friend did have him call me once. I picked up and heard his unmistakeable voice say “is this the famous Trudy White?” I have no memory of my answer. I’m sure it was lame.
Today I am on Hydra arguably the “Jewel in the Crown” of the Greek Islands, celebrating my 65th birthday. There are no cars here which offers a special kind of “chill”. Roads and highways are replaced by charming stone paths that meander throughout the area and donkeys deliver everything from luggage to building supplies. It’s charming. And quiet. And simple.
Tonight we will have dinner watching life in the harbour where fishing vessels look more at home than the multi million dollar yachts moored next to them. Everyone smiles in a way that seems to acknowledge and appreciate that life is very, very good here.
Sleep comes early, windows open to gentle breezes and the sounds of the village winding down for the day. I am so grateful and as mentioned, lucky, to be able to experience life in this most unique and beautiful place on my 65th birthday.
I’m your fan Evie. you too Leonard.

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